August 27, 2013

Washington Condos and HOAs in the News

Community associations are regularly featured in the media. Sometimes the news is positive (community-building grants), sometimes the news is negative (a lawsuit over an amendment’s validity), and sometimes the news is both positive and negative (debate and conflict over clotheslines). recently included an article about two homeowners associations in Fairwood, Washington that received grants to support their summer "Concerts in the Park" series.  During 2013, King County will award $60,000 in grants for community projects in unincorporated areas. The article about these grants can be read here.

A Spokane condominium is currently embroiled in a legal battle over the validity of changes to its governing documents. Officers of the condominium association modified the agreement in 2008 to create additional condominium units out of roof space, which shrank the voting rights of other members and gave away common property without notifying the owners or conducting a vote. A lawsuit has been filed challenging the validity of this amendment. A Spokesman-Review article about this lawsuit can be read here.

Some Washington condominium and homeowners associations prohibit the use of clotheslines, citing safety or aesthetic concerns. However, owners are increasingly advocating for a right to use clotheslines as an energy and cost-saving alternative to electric dryers.  A recent article in the Seattle Times about this clothesline debate can be read here