HOAs created on or after July 1, 2018 and older HOAs that have adopted RCW 64.90 in its entirety are governed by RCW 64.90.510(2), which expressly authorizes them to "adopt rules governing the time, place, size, number, and manner" of political signs. This court decision does not affect those associations.
September 29, 2024
Court Rules HOA May Not Enforce Time-Based Restriction on Political Yard Signs
September 16, 2024
WA Court of Appeals Rules HOA's Adopted Covenant Is Valid Change to CC&Rs
Changing the CC&Rs cannot involve eliminating an existing covenant or adding a restriction where none existed before - only modifying that document in a manner that results in less of something (fewer things are restricted or restrictions are lessened) or more of something (more things are restricted or existing restictions are increased). The appeallate court decided that the adopted covenant was a valid change to the CC&Rs rather than an invalid new covenant because it increased certain view obstruction restrictions already in that document.
July 24, 2024
New Law Limits Community Associations' Authority to Deny Heat Pump Applications
Community associations must process and approve heat pump applications in the same manner as architectural modification applications. If heat pump applications are not denied in writing within sixty days from the date of receipt, then they are deemed approved unless that delay is the result of a reasonable request for additional information. Associations may not charge fees relating to heat pump installations except for reasonable application processing fees that apply to architectural modification applications.